
SPS Heathfield Night Out

Friday night saw SPS Heathfield host their first event night out. This will be first of many to come. We would like to thank Shona from Alpha Heating Innovation, Sam […]
Friday night saw SPS Heathfield host their first event night out.
This will be first of many to come. We would like to thank Shona from Alpha Heating Innovation, Sam from JustTrays, Sam from Roper Rhodes and Will from Multipanel for coming. We would also like to thank The Heathfield Tavern for their hospitality and great food!
A special little mention for Webby (picture with thumbs up) from Warm and Toastie, wishing him all the luck embarking on his new adventure to Australia. We hope it’s successful and the brekkie morning pictures won’t be the same without you!
Thanks again to all the customers attending for making it a great night!